The Eczema App Nia is available since November 1, 2020 for all insured members of the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkassein the full Premium version free of charge. The Nia-App offers all KKH-insured persons with eczema comprehensive documentation possibilities about their health history. A report also supports doctor-patient communication. In addition, Nia-App provides patients with clinically validated tips for dealing with the skin disease.
The chairman of the board of the KKH, Dr. Wolfgang Matz, believes it is important for the future to promote patient empowerment and, as a health insurance company, to enter into an even stronger direct exchange with insurance members. The new offer around the Nia App is now intended to further promote exactly this:
“We see the innovative Eczema App Nia as an important and modern addition to existing treatment methods for eczema for our policyholders.”
Nia Health co-founder Tobias Seidl is very pleased about the second strong cooperation partner among the national health insurance companies. Particularly worth mentioning, since all this happens within the first year after the company was founded: “With the KKH we reach even more eczema sufferers. We are currently working hard to be reimbursable for all insured persons in Germany”. In a few weeks, the Berlin Charité spin-off wants to announce further cooperation agreements with health insurance companies.
Nia users who are not insured by the KKH or DAK-Gesundheit, which also cooperates with Nia Health, can continue to use the free basic functions of the Nia App.
Atopic eczema is the largest chronic skin disease. In Germany, 4.5 million people suffer from the disease. More than half of those affected are children. Just recently, the Berlin startup announced the launch of its second App. With the psoriasis app Sorea, more than 2 million people suffering from psoriasis will now be digitally supported.
Further information about the KKH cooperation:
Contact person:
Tobias Seidl